A warm welcome to Zurich!

With our Spotlight Series, a hybrid live event program, we showcase how our customers are leveraging the potential of Livingdocs to facilitate their editorial workflows and ultimately create better journalism.

In our third edition, we will speak with Neue Pressegesellschaft on Thursday, April 10, about how they organise and optimise their regional publishing workflows with Livingdocs.

Register here to be there — whether digitally or live.

Vimeo Registration

**Please note the event will be held in German**

(To secure one of the limited spots to attend live and in person at our offices in Zürich, please contact Céline directly at celine@livingdocs.io)

Program 10. April 2025

  1. From 14:00

    Doors open/Guest arrival

  2. 14:30

    Official start to the program:
    Welcome from the CEO and Co-Founder of Livingdocs, Gabriel Hase

  3. Moderation by Céline Tykve, Head of Business at Livingdocs

Gabriel Hase

CEO and Co-Founder, Livingdocs

Céline Tykve

Head of Business, Livingdocs

  1. 14:40

    Presentation by Neue Pressegesellschaft: "How NPG optimises digital-first regional publishing with Livingdocs"

  2. Speakers:

  3. Judith Conrady, Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  4. Laura Liboschik, Head of Digital Editorial

Judith Conrady

Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Neue Pressegesellschaft

Laura Liboschik

Head of Digital Editorial, Neue Pressegesellschaft


  1. 15:25

    Q&A Session

  2. 15:40

    Brief Pause

  3. 16:00

    Presentation by Livingdocs: "Livingdocs as a comprehensive CMS: A vision in action for regional publishing organisations"

  4. Speaker: 

    Gabriel Hase, CEO and Co-Founder of Livingdocs

  1. 16:30

    Q&A Session

  2. 17:00 


  3. Closing remarks by Céline Tykve, Head of Business at Livingdocs 

  1. 17:15 

    Apéro Riche for our in-person guests

Some impressions from our last Spotlight on Rollouts und Go-Lives with DER STANDARD and Kölner-Stadt Anzeiger.

Hotels and restaurants in Zurich

For those traveling to Zurich, please find below a list of recommended accommodations and restaurants near our office.


  1. 25hours Hotel


  2. Hotel Greulich


  3. Hotel Europe



  1. Piccolo Giardino (Mediterranean, only in the evening)


  2. Le Cèdre (Libanesisch)


  3. Eichhörnli (Swiss)

    **Reservation recommended

  4. Marktküche (Vegan)

    **Reservation recommended

  5. Hermanseck (Innovative)

    **Reservation recommended

  6. Célia (Italian)


  7. Neni (Israeli)


Event location address

Livingdocs AG, Tellstrasse 31, 8004 Zürich