Unleash Your Potential, Working with Powerful Features.

Livingdocs is built to make you more productive. Our set of features and the intuitive interface empower you to create exactly the project you need.

Story and Content First.

We developed Livingdocs to enable undisturbed creation. No need for tab hopping or switching to other programs - journalists and editors can create content intuitively from within the article view.

Style and edit your content directly in-line while seeing the results

Build your pages and articles from a large set of elements via drag and drop

Link to internal and external content with two clicks

Access and browse assets such as images and video directly while writing

Crop and resize images as you like or work with predefined aspect ratios for a consistent design

Manage poster image including frame selection for videos

Test your content for different devices (incl. print) via the preview feature

Embed Tweets, videos, Instagram posts and more easily inline and arrange them on your documents

Configure your desired metadata for search engine optimization

Create, edit and preview teasers for your content for internal or external use (i.e. Social Media)

Schedule content publication dates as well as automation rules to manage your page

Our headless approach allows you to define every possible combination of structured data, stand-alone or assigned to documents.

Collaboration at the Core.

Livingdocs makes collaboration easy so that you as a team can work together seamlessly no matter where you are. With real-time collaboration tools and comments, change tracking and more, our tools support your team's workflows.

Get notified via email or Slack about comments and changes in your documents.

Create and edit content on the go on your mobile phone or tablet

Always see who is writing with and editing the same document as you just like Google Docs

Easily cover events with live-blogging

Discuss with fellow editors how to best come up with the content you need, write comments, build discussion threads and resolve conversations as you go

The lock plugin allows you to set time-limited locks on a document where only you can edit

Visually keep track of every change in your documents and easily go back and forth in your editing history

Organize workflows from proofreading to translations in kanban boards and always see what needs to be done next

All our Features