Livingdocs Release March 2023: Introducing the Planning System
It's that time again! Every other month, we at Livingdocs release an updated version of our product wherein we expand our product’s functionality with new features, capabilities and improvements. And now, our March 2023 Release is ready to spring into action.
The March 2023 Release is major: We have introduced a host of new elements, including API Consumer Management, Retresco Queued Retagging and most notably our Planning System. Further features and improvements include Metadata Property Display Filters, link rel="sponsored" and Anonymised User History. Want to dive deeper? Keep reading!

Livingdocs Planning System
The Planning System was created in collaboration with our customer NZZ. Fully integrated within Livingdocs, the Planning System maps the process from pitch to buy-in and task management, and from writing and creating content to distribution planning and rollout on different channels.
For example, users may either start writing an article immediately in the Editor or start by creating a pitch, used in a newsroom to share an idea along with relevant metadata – e.g. the topic and the team that would work on the story. If approved, the pitch is built upon to become a fully-fledged article. For larger, more time-intensive stories, a buy-in can be requested for a pitch – or even an article in progress – in order to obtain support from the editorial management which can then be mapped in a more formal way. A dashboard shows all "open" requests for a buy-in so the parties responsible can organise and approve said requests more smoothly. Collaboration amongst users remains transparent with the Team Feature, and multiple distribution channels can be configured and divided into groups, so that content distribution can be planned with greater ease.
The introduction of the first iteration of the Planning System within Livingdocs represents an exciting shift towards Livingdocs being a one-stop publishing workflow shop rather than “just” a CMS and Editor, a more multifaceted offering complete with finite products and a broader spectrum of workflow support.
Would you like a personal introduction to the Planning System? Feel free to contact our CPO Beni Buess for a demo.

API Consumer Management
Livingdocs users can now take advantage of more control when managing tokens for third-party applications thanks to API Consumer Management. It’s now possible to store names and descriptions along with tokens, to help you remember who is using a token and, therefore, might be a point of contact. You can also see when a token has last been used thereby making it easier to find the right people to talk to when you plan a change of your content format by adding or removing components, or changing the metadata configuration.

Retresco Queued Retagging
Users can now effortlessly initiate automatic mass changes to existing entities. Now, existing tags no longer need to be changed manually; rather they will be updated and published automatically in a queue so as not to overload the Retresco system.

Metadata Property Display Filters
These new filters on the dashboard can be used to configure a filter for a specific metadata property with ease. As this feature is in its first iteration, not all metadata types are supported, though we are able to implement filters not yet offered on request.
This functionality addresses the demand for the ability to configure Table Dashboard columns for metadata properties. In the near future, this functionality will be expanded upon to include the capability to configure a wider range of metadata for documents, make it visible on dashboards, and allow users to filter for it.

link rel="sponsored" Capability
This new feature enables users to mark a link as a sponsored link. This capability aligns with Google’s recommended approach for qualifying outbound links.

Anonymised User History
Driven by a direct customer request, project teams in working collaboration can now choose whether or not changes made to content show which user made them. This data can now be anonymised after a designated configurable time, e.g. after 30 days.
Other improvements in the March 2023 Release include:
Comments in the Document Editor
When you click a word that has a comment attached, the corresponding comment is now highlighted.`
Publication Dates in Publish Control
Dates can now be managed when importing documents via the Import API.
The Publish Control UI
Publish Control now has more clarity thanks to visual improvements.
To get more in depth information about this release, please refer to our documentation site. There, you can stream the recordings and peruse the slide presentations of our Feature Webinar and Developer Webinar, as well as gain insights into the technical specs.
We look forward to showing you what’s in store for our next release!